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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Queen Nefertiti0066486800000258-3152001-image-a-63_1436268179507 Mummy Mystery of Ancient Egypt  Nefertiti Mummy“Great Royal Wife” of the “reneNefertiti-berlin-musgade” pharaoh Akhenaten, Nefertiti was a mother of six who helped lead a religious revolution that changed Egypt and the world forever.   Yet after her death, her enemies destroyed all evidence of Nefertiti’s life. Now, drawing on 13 years of research, Fletcher and her team bring Nefertiti’s turbulent reign to life as never before using cutting-edge computer animations to recreate ancient Egypt’s great temples; x-rays to reveal the telltale signs of foul play on her mummy; and forensic graphics to recreate the mummy’s face. Have they found the ancient world’s greatest beauty?Nefertiti_Composit “Cautious evaluation of the Factum Arte scans over the course of several months has yielded results which are beyond intriguing: indications of two previously unknown doorways,” he wrote. One was probably a storeroom, he said, and the other, on the tomb’s north wall, was likely a continuation of the tomb containing an “earlier royal interment — that of Nefertiti herself, celebrated consort, co-regent, and eventual successor of Pharaoh Akhenaten.”

Yoko Ono the pop artist

Wendy Clarke narrates her film Portrait of Jason

of feminist erotoaestetics at MOMA with iconic images art_223bg vids at onoyoko-ono-art-2