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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Germaine Dulac's silent movie stills 'La Coquille et le Clergyman' (1928)

Germaine Dulac’s silent movie stills ‘La Coquille et le Clergyman’ (1928) full silent

feminists vitruvius

feminists vitruvius

The Seashell and the Clergyman ( La Coquille et le clergyman) is the first surrealist film. It was directed by Germaine Dulac, from an original scenario by Antonin Artaud

Heidegger Papers Talk at Soho Goethe Institute  Martin Heidegger and Nazism is a controversial subject.

By the beginning of 1934, there were reports in Berlin that
Heidegger had established himself as ‘the philosopher of
National Socialism’. But to other Nazi thinkers, Heidegger’s
philosophy appeared too abstract, too difficult, to be of much
use […] his enemies were Imageable to enlist the support of Alfred Rosenberg, whose own
ambition it was to be the philosopher of Nazism himself. Denied
a role at the national level, and increasingly frustrated with
the minutiae of academic politics – which seemed to him to
betray a sad absence of the new spirit he had hoped would
permeate the universities – Heidegger resigned his post in
April 1934
the German existentialist philosopher Karl
Jaspers, who wrote in a letter to the head of the
de-Nazification commission that “Heidegger’s manner of
thinking, which to me seems in its essence unfree, dictatorial,
and incapable of communication, would today be disastrous in its
pedagogical effects.

During the hearings of the Denazification Committee, Hannah Arendt, Heidegger’s former student and lover, who was Jewish, spoke on his behalf. (Arendt very cautiously resumed her friendship with Heidegger after the war, despite or even because of the widespread contempt for Heidegger and his political sympathies, and despite his being forbidden to teach for many years.

 The black notebooks were written between 1931 and 1941 show Heidegger denouncing the rootlessness and spirit of “empty rationality and calculability” of the Jews, as he works out revisions to his deepest metaphysical ideas in relation to political events of the day.


Technologos Digital Architect & Eternal Dissident Vitruvius God’s Fool Chronicle 40 years as One Day Life in New York or жизнь вечного диссидента, мирового бродяги dissident exile life  Cinematic life story interview with Sylvie Weil
At Home With Andre and Simone Weil. This heart-felt little work allows readers a personal glimpse into the family life and history of the sibling wonders, Andre and Simone Weil. Andre has been called the twentieth century’s ‘Einstein of mathematics’ and Simone is well known for her meteoric life as a philosopher-activist-mystic. Written by surviving family member and award-winning author, Sylvie Weil, At Home offers snippets of the genius, quirks, love, and obsessions of the Weil clan.
Most especially, we feel the tension of how Sylvie herself experiences the oft-bitter privilege of her role as Simone’s look-alike niece—a sort of living relic with the burden and weirdness that her memory imposes.Sylvie was the baby daughter who arrived just a few months before her aunt, the philosopher Simone Weil, who died at age thirty-four. This was another heavy inheritance, inside the Weil family
and outside it, as the baby daughter became a little girl, then a young woman, looking very much like her aunt—an aunt, who,moreover,was considered a saint
Sylvie Weil literary revenge masterpiece to geniuses inheritance At Home with André and Simone Weil, Simon Weil those figures mentioned in narration about life in Vermont withImage Memoirs by Andres Weil

Musing on new yorkers  dwellers divide of very rich and very poor clans with anxiety about the foundations of the U.S. finances economy at Washigton square stroll in the Village while at NYU attending a  panel debating Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” blockbuster  who predicts  “we will all be poorer in the future in every way and that creates crisis. I have proved that under the present circumstances capitalism simply cannot work.” There is no reason to believe that capitalism can ever solve the problem of inequality, which he insists is getting worse rather than better. From the banking crisis of 2008 to the Occupy movement of 2011, this much has been intuited by ordinary people. The singular significance of his book is that it proves “scientifically” that this intuition is correct. There is a fundamentalist belief by capitalists that capital will save the world, and it just isn’t so. Not because of what Marx said about the contradictions of capitalism, because, as I discovered, capital is an end in itself and no more. But although his diagnosis is accurate and compelling, it is hard, almost impossible, to imagine that the cure he proposes – tax and more tax – will ever be implemented in a world where, from Beijing to Moscow to Washington, money, and those who have more of it than anyone else, still calls the shots.

Court bench critical statement – dissident exposing laxity of former Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer DOJ criminal division in global monitoring violation of Human Rights while going after Dissidents Whistleblowers and not Prosecuting Bankers for Fraud ( satire)  original source Front Line Untouchables