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Monthly Archives: September 2008

FAILURE OF THE CONGRESS PREDOMINANTLY BY REPUBLICANS TO ENDORSE FINANCIAL RESQUE PAULSON BLUEPRINT LEADS TO WALL STREET FINANCIAL APOCALYPSIS WHILE IRAQ WAR ECONOMY CONTINIUM AS PRIMARY GOVERNMENT REPUBLICAN PARTY GLOBAL  WAR  STRATEGY POLICY WILL EVENTUALLY COST THE NATION & 5 Trillions TO BANCRUPT THE NATION FUTURE  and   CONGRESS ENDORSED the WALL STREET MELTDOWN by rejecting the proposed BAILOUT deal worth $700 blns.   Today is the decision day,” said Barney Frank, D-Mass., on the House floor. “If we defeat this bill today, it will be a very bad day for the financial sector of the American economy and the people who will feel the pain are not the top bankers and top corporate executives but average Americans.” Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, said “This legislation is giving us a choice between bankrupting our children and bankrupting a few of these big financial institutions on Wall Street that made bad decisions,” he said. 

Technologos webcinema  and bailout reels Wall Street Rescue Plan Roller Coster as media, experts and senate critique PAULSON BAILOUT for $ 1 Trilllion to prevent World Markets Meltdown due to Bush Economy Crisis with his present economical policy and philosophy. View Greenspan contraargument to Fed  dictate : The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability  and

 Senate Banking Committee Hearing with key government players: Chairman – Senator Christopher J. Dodd, Henry M. Paulson, Secretary of the Treasury; Ben S. Bernanke , Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Christopher Cox, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission  Current Sept 23, 2008 Senate Hearing on the WALL STREET MELTDOWN and proposed BAILOUT deal worth $700 blns.   Technologos webcinema  and bailout reels Wall Street Rescue Plan Roller Coster as media, experts and senate critique PAULSON BAILOUT for $ 1 Trilllion to prevent World Markets Meltdown due to Bush Economy Crisis with his present economical policy and philosophy. View Greenspan contraargument to Fed  dictate  : The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability Obama On Economy Crisis Solution Plan Vs McCain Economy Resque Plan as Healthcare which epitomise his economical policy and philosophy. View

WALL STREET FINANCIAL CRASH PROVOKES LEADING  CHALLENGE FOR GLOBAL ECONOMY PARADIGM CHANGE.  Ex Chairman of US FRB ALAN GREENSPAN stated –  The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability. I can’t believe we could have a once-in-a-century type of financial crisis without a significant impact on the real economy globally  which is occurring.  View technologos  reel of unfolding financial collapse

  Barack Obama blamed republicans eight years of lax regulatory oversight for “the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression”   while the key man of the hour Hank Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary, blamed Wall Street for bringing the crisis on itself, and he called for a sweeping overhaul of financial regulation to prevent similar threats to global stability in the future . Henry Paulson, the ex-chairman of investment bank Goldman Sachs, has been nominated as the US treasury secretary in 2006 by President Bush who said he was looking forward to working with Paulson to keep the US economy powerful and prosperous.

 WALL STREET FINANCIAL CRASH WILL PROVOKE LEADING  CHALLENGE FOR GLOBAL ECONOMY PARADIGM CHANGE  as former FRB GREENSPAN states  The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability  etc. and Barack Obama blamed republicans eight years of lax regulatory oversight for “the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression”   while man of the hour Hank Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary,  blamed Wall Street for bringing the crisis on itself, and he called for a sweeping overhaul of financial regulation to prevent similar threats to global stability in the future

ike peak

ike peak


obama & mccain mockingbirds irony not duelling  not very tense at forum at CU campus with cheering students and elite participants as the form audience   Technologos  on McCain and Obama  not duel appearance at  Columbia Univ forum on civic /national service engagement while Palin preaches a Alaska Governor inferring God’s wil in global war on terror   & Alaska pipeline success, etc.

ground zero memorial

ground zero memorial

Obama & McCain at Ground Zero WTC in a pit where twin towers fell on the Sept. 11 2001commemorating the nation tragedy day with silence & placing roses in reflecting pool.

In the nonpartisan Olympian spirit of the commemoration & political war truce, McCain and Obama will make duel appearances at a televised forum on civic /national service engagement sponsored by Columbia University which lost at 9/11 WTC event over 100 alumni while Obama is Columbia alumnus and so McCain’s daughter Meghanwho campagns for her Dad as freelance cinemaproducer 
Technologos Tumblr experiments with mixed  mediascapes  with WTC NOSTALGY CINEMA  9/11 WTC TRAGEDY  AS PARADIGM CHANGE GLOBAL TERROR WAR TOWARDS INTERNATIONAL LAW ORDER    Technologos 
surcinemascape  NBC COMMENTATOR CRITIQUE GOP & McCain abusing 9/11 tragedy as GOP BRAND

 ENVISIONING NEW WTC MEMORIAL CINEMASCAPES as well as original WTC construction focused on war on terror and 9/11 wtc collapse and neocons strategists neoemperial chimeras