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Daily Archives: February 8th, 2009

View technologos Madoff Affair Hearing in Congress where SEC Agency on Trial the whistleblower Harry Markopolos testifies
while subcommittee criticises senior staff members at the Securities and Exchange Commission as irresponsible and inapt to respond to tipster Markopolos’s on Madoff Ponzi scheme exposure critiques, which he summarized in his testimony – the agency “is nonfunctional and, as witnessed by the Madoff scandal, is harmful to our capital markets and harmful to our nation’s reputation as a financial leader.” View
TECHNOLOGOS CINEMASCAPES ON MADOFF’s HEDGE FUNDS ENTERPRISE AS PONZI MINDSET PYRAMIDE SCHEMES OF FINANCIAL RISQUES EPITOMISES WALL STREET SYSTEMIC FALLACY WHILE SEC AS FINANCES WATCHDOG IS IRRELEVANT in new global finances era when financial markets are much more complex than in the past to monitor and control while the crises are more intractable and the risks incalculable. Madoff fraud exposes the SEC’s void of supervising the fund or being directly IMPLICATED in the conartist scheme by covering it as it never examined his investment advisory business as $50 Blns fraud deal while creating mistrust and panique towards banks and financial institutions. and The renown economists Roubini and Taleb, who predicted the global economic downturn even called for a nationalization of banks to stop the financial system meltdown while Nobel prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman and financier George Soros have challenged market fundamentalism ideologies.
Technologos proposing creating an economic psycho science institution to define how to monotor and control a new financial order taking in account feasable cognitive insights of mental and psycho processes where information technology construct intelligent finance models infrastructure global topology and new financial theory of global monitoring framework analising phony market ideologies fallacies View NOBEL PRIZE ECONOMY WINNERS WEBCINEMA AS ANTIDOTE and Greenspan legacy of financial meltdown with his acceptance of conceptual flaw in the financial monitoring system : The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability