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Tag Archives: confession

Old Vic, street smart kid Graffiti as visual tale of dissident life in Moscow, Russia . Зарисовки на тюремной стене, история смышленного пацана в своих палестинах замоскворечья, дяди Вити. Кинокадры из фильма напоминают всю жизнь во время войны в Москве, а любовная сцена в бомбёжку просто вчистую моё рождение по описанию матери в самой квартире, когда кровать с матерью носилась бешенно по спальной комнате.   The Cranes Are Flying Летят журавли. На фестивале в Каннах название фильма было переведено как фр. Quand passent les cigognes (буквально «Когда пролетают аисты»), поскольку дословный перевод слов «журавль» (grue, на сленге также «проститутка») и «лететь» (voler, омоним также «красть») дал бы второй смысл «проститутки воруют».Aesthetically the film looks back to the pre-war, Soviet avant-garde but also draws on the work of neo-realist directors such as Roberto Rossellini and Vittorio de Sica. The Cranes Are Flying had a radically new perspective on the Great Patriotic War, or the  Second World War.

Multimedia experiment a la Godard’s Cinemagraphic Russia (1993) to present personal cinema life history.

 Интересная киномифология у Годара о Зое Космодемьянской, книгу написала её мать, а фильм я помнится смотрел с её презентацией в подвале Дома Писателей в Лаврушинском переулке совсем малышом в конце 40х, что неплохо анализируется в этом докресурсе Дом писателей в Лаврушинском переулке – Дом “Драмлита” (согласно роману Мастер и Маргарита Булгакова) в просторечии дом Писателей. ( Stalin as Architect – Dictator in Moscow along with Hitler for Berlin and Mussolini i Rome
Архитектор Сталин. Хроники московского быта )В доме имели квартиры писатели Ф. Гладков у кого я бывал, как одноклассник его внука, как и у внучки К.Тренева чья пьеса Любовь Яровая шла повсюду, а М.Булгаков с его Днями Турбиных по той же теме Белой Гвардии был в загоне как и И. Ильф, В. Каверин, Э. Казакевич, В. Катаев, Ю. Олеша, Б.Пастернак, К. Паустовский, И. Эренбург. 1749932543 (with eng subtitles)


Dissident Victor Balashov Interview I NYC

creating original video archives on intellectual dissent history and underground culture in USSR (narration in original russian)

Moscow Dissident Victor Balashov Interview II in New York 2010 Shooting Process work in progress creating video archives of the ex-USSR 1960 Moscow Opposition, an unedited yet Dissident Interview II in New York 2010

Ex-financier Madoff statement – confession for being guilty for creating epic financial crime in the history of Wall street while rejecting only the conspiracy charge which illuminates escape conartist mindset due to cognitive psychoanalysis discovery method

Madoff statement at the NYC Court: ‘I am actually grateful for this first opportunity to publicly speak about my crimes, for which I am so deeply sorry and ashamed. As I engaged in my fraud, I knew what I was doing was wrong, indeed criminal. When I began the Ponzi scheme I believed it would end shortly and I would be able to extricate myself and my clients from the scheme. However, this proved difficult, and ultimately impossible, and as the years went by I realized that my arrest and this day would inevitably come.To the best of my recollection, my fraud began in the early 1990s. At that time, the country was in a recession and this posed a problem for investments in the securities markets. Nevertheless, I had received investment commitments from certain institutional clients and understood that those clients, like all professional investors, expected to see their investments out-perform the market. While I never promised a specific rate of return to any client, I felt compelled to satisfy my clients’ expectations, at any cost. I therefore claimed that I employed an investment strategy I had developed, called a “split strike conversion strategy,” to falsely give the appearance to clients that I had achieved the results I believed they expected.
Through the split-strike conversion strategy, I promised to clients and prospective clients that client funds would be invested in a basket of common stocks within the Standard & Poor’s 100 Index, a collection of the 100 largest publicly traded companies in terms of their market capitalization. I promised that I would select a basket of stocks that would closely mimic the price movements of the Standard & Poor’s 100 Index. I promised that I would opportunistically time these purchases and would be out of the market intermittently, investing client funds during these periods in United States Government-issued securities such as United States Treasury bills. In addition, I promised that as part of the split strike conversion strategy, I would hedge the investments I made in the basket of common stocks by using client funds to buy and sell option contracts related to those stocks, thereby limiting potential client losses caused by unpredictable changes in stock prices. In fact, I never made the investments I promised clients, who believed they were invested with me in the split strike conversion strategy.
To conceal my fraud, I misrepresented to clients, employees and others, that I purchased securities for clients in overseas markets.’
The Judgement Day
Now a jailbird Bernard Madoff has committed financial fraud worth over $ 65 Blns and prosecutors reserved the right to pursue up to $170 billion in criminal forfeiture along with the 11 prosecution’s charges against Madoff carrie a maximum sentence of 150 years
Madoff Confession: ‘In more recent years, I used yet another method to conceal my fraud. I wired money between the United States and the United Kingdom to make it appear as though there were actual securities transactions executed on behalf of my investment advisory clients. Specifically, I had money transferred from the U.S. bank account of my investment advisory business to the London bank account of Madoff Securities International Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation that was an affiliate of my business in New York. Madoff Securities International Ltd. was principally engaged in proprietary trading and was a legitimate, honestly run and operated business.
Nevertheless, to support my false claim that I purchased and sold securities for my investment advisory clients in European markets, I caused money from the bank account of my fraudulent advisory business, located here in Manhattan, to be wire transferred to the London bank account of Madoff Securities International Limited.
There were also times in recent years when I had money, which had originated in the New York Chase Manhattan bank account of my investment advisory business, transferred from the London bank account of Madoff Securities International Ltd. to the Bank of New York operating bank account of my firm’s legitimate proprietary and market making business. That Bank of New York account was located in New York. I did this as a way of ensuring that the expenses associated with the operation of the fraudulent investment advisory business would not be paid from the operations of the legitimate proprietary trading and market making businesses.’

TECHNOLOGOS CINEMASCAPES ON BERNI MADOFF’s PSEUDO HEDGE FUNDS ENTERPRISE AS PONZI OR QUANT MINDSET PYRAMIDE SCHEMES OF FINANCIAL RISQUES EPITOMISES WALL STREET ABSOLUTE SYSTEMIC FALLACY WHILE SEC AS FINANCES WATCHDOG IS EVIDENTLY IRRELEVANT. Madoff fraud exposes the SEC’s void of supervising the fund or even being directly IMPLICATED in the conartist scheme by covering it as it never examined his investment advisory business as $50 Blns fraud deal.
Technologos envisions creating an economic science institution to define a new financial order taking ni account cognitive insights of mental and psycho processes where information technology construct intelligent finance models infrastructure global topology and new financial theory of global monitoring framework analising phony market ideologies fallacies View NOBEL PRIZE ECONOMY WINNERS WEBCINEMA AS ANTIDOTE and Greenspan legacy of financial meltdown with his acceptance of conceptual flaw in the financial monitoring system : The Fed Can’t Become Overseer of Financial Stability

Viiew cinematic interviews of Nadya at technologos webcinema chronicles

octuplets1Octuplets mother Nadya Suleman told in confessional interview that her childhood left her feeling a lack of “self and identity. I didn’t feel as though, when I was a child, I had much control of my environment. I felt powerless. And that gave me a sense of predictability…Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn’t functional. It was pretty dysfunctional, and whose isn’t?” Nadya’s obsession with having kids comes from her dysfunctional upbringing. “Dad wanted four or five kids but Mum didn’t want any because she had grown up with abuse. I am done having children now. My family is complete and I would not change anything.  It is going to be a lot more challenging with the extra children  but we all do that we know best”.
mom1ed1octu1Octuplets Mother Nadya Suleman – Doud, a 33 years old LA woman who was  in medical profession and is in gradute studies of children  psychology  gave birth to octuplets created challengeing moral dilemma for medical profession ethics. In an interview Angela Suleman said her daughter did not expect to have octuplets, but that all the implanted embryos “happened to take” but that her daughter felt like she had little choice. “What do you suggest she should have done?” Angela Suleman said. “She refused to have them killed.” Grandfather Edward Suleman Doud , a translator who just returned from Iraq when asked about his daughter’s decision to give births said:  “I wish it happens to you people, so you go through hell.” 

View technologos  surcinema